4 steps you can take to reduce fall risks









By Jon Burkhow, Director of HOME

Did you know that according to the National Council on Aging one-third of Americans aged 65+ falls each year?  What can you do to help prevent a fall?  With the annual fall prevention awareness day just around the corner on September 22nd, now is the time to take some simple steps to reduce your risk of falls.

  1. Find a good balance and exercise program. Many local community centers offer classes especially for seniors.  Also consider a Matter of Balance class in your area.  See the link http://mnhealthyaging.org/en/FallsPrevention/MatterBalance.aspx for more info.
  2. Talk with your health care provider. Please share if you have had a fall recently.  Certain medications can increase fall risk and your health care practitioner can review these and give you an overall assessment for fall risk based on your situation.
  3. Get you vision and hearing checked annually. Your eyes and ears are key to navigating your environment.
  4. Get a free safety assessment from the HOME program. Learn how we can assist making safety improvements to your home examples of which may include grab bars, improved lighting, new smoke alarms, reducing tripping hazards and more.  Sign up today and be proactive about fall prevention.

Falls can cause serious physical and psychological injury.  Do what you can to mitigate this risk.  Make September 22nd a day to take action and stay safe!