Our Mission

Empower People as They Age

Our Vision

Reimagine Aging by serving compassionately, connecting communities, and supporting independence.

Our Promise

We are committed to creating a culture of belonging for all our staff, volunteers, partners, and those we serve with no discrimination on the basis of status or identity. We know that celebrating a diverse range of identities, experiences, and perspectives is crucial to carrying out our mission.

Our Values

Assisting older adults to remain independent by working with families, volunteers, funders, and other community partners.
Demonstrating passionate and empathetic commitment to each older adult's and caregiver's quality of life and independence.
Embracing the diversity of those we work with and serve through the lens of equity.
Using imagination and creativity to design and deliver affordable quality services.
Maximizing the use of funds and time entrusted to us, while maintaining a high ethical standard.
Engaging volunteers in vital and meaningful roles.

Stay updated on the work we’re doing for older adults and caregivers in Minnesota.