4 steps you can take to reduce fall risks

              By Jon Burkhow, Director of HOME Did you know that according to the National Council on Aging one-third of Americans aged 65+ falls each year?  What can you do to help prevent a fall?  With the annual fall prevention awareness day just around the

Families tap free CareNextion for help with senior caregiving

Link to Article in Walker Pilot Independent  Guest Column by Deb Taylor Many of Minnesota’s 720,000 older adults, and the millions of family members and friends who love and care for them, are able to benefit from an Internet site with a high calling — keeping seniors healthy and safe.

Age is just a number … with a little help

Link to article in Eden Prairie News Guest Column by Deb Taylor The so-called golden years can be a rich time of life to enjoy. Here’s the opportunity to truly enjoy the benefits of free time and your lifetime of accumulated experiences and skills: to pursue a new hobby, take

10 things to do at the great minnesota get together for seniors

The Great Minnesota Get Together comes but once a year for twelve days of food, fun and freebies. Here are the top 10 things to do to at the fair for seniors: Stop by the Ramberg Senior Center stage to see some free entertainment: Click here to view the 12

Benefits of life long learning

By: Allison Bendickson, Communications & Fundraising Assistant Whether you’re 7 or 97, everyone can benefit from life-long learning. It broadens your horizon and keeps you involved as an active contributor to society. Here are just a few additional benefits you can receive from choosing to be a life-long learner: Make

HAppy Feet: The importance of Footcare for seniors

Foot pain is very common. In fact, about 75% of Americans admit to having foot pain at some point in their lives. Most of which is caused by shoes that do not fit properly or that force feet into unnatural shapes. The foot is a complex structure of 26 bones