Look Out For Your Older Neighbors This Winter

We know there are very real emotional, mental and physical health risks that come with social isolation in seniors. It can lead to higher blood pressure levels, higher rates of mortality and a quicker cognitive decline. The debilitating consequences of this are only amplified when compounded with the physical isolation that extreme winter weather can […]

Self-Driving Vehicles: The Future of Inclusive Transportation?

  By CEO Deb Taylor Autonomous, or self-driving, vehicle technology has been dominating the conversation surrounding the future of transportation infrastructure in our country. This often evokes images of a fleet of driverless cars and buses conveniently available for efficient transportation, free from user-error. While the most common concern raised in these discussions is the […]

Understanding Ageism in Healthcare

Healthcare is a central piece in the puzzling journey of a happy and healthy life. We all require quality medical care for everything from stitches to chronic disease, and each life stage brings new issues that require unique forms of care. With older age, one might begin to feel the strain of strenuous activities or […]

Age as Identity

By CEO Deb Taylor Link to article in MinnPost Of all the various cultural categories we put ourselves into like race, class and gender, our age is unique in that it is in a constant state of change, yet seems to be deeply intertwined with our sense of self. We describe ourselves as a “22-year-old” […]