About CareNextion

Senior Corps Newsletter – May 2014 CareNextion Powered by Senior Community Services, www.carenextion.org is revolutionizing the way families and caregivers are supporting their elderly and/or disabled loved ones. This free and easy-to-use website makes it possible to efficiently manage care coordi- nation, regardless of where you live. Once your care team is established, you can […]

Caregiving: The Blessing and the Woe

Sun Sailor Link to article in Sun Sailor Guest Column by Deb Taylor Our community is full of heroes facing a hidden crisis. It’s likely happening on your block, among your friends and colleagues at work, school and church. Caregivers walk out a meaningful calling, helping care for a loved one when their needs are […]

Baby boomers bring ‘sea change’ to senior care

Sun Sailor Link to article in Sun Sailor Guest Column by Deb Taylor If you’re a baby boomer, you should know Kathleen Casey-Kirschling. Like you, she’s a member of the largest generation in human history, a population cohort driven by the post-World War II fertility boom. On Oct. 15, 2007, she became the first of […]

Column: Medical debt may be forgiven under program

Sun Current Link to article in Sun Current Guest Column by Deb Taylor The nonprofit organization I lead, Senior Community Services, recently heard from a client who found her stress growing after a hospital stay. Amy, 78, started receiving bills for the medical expenses not covered by her Medicare plan. The debt totaled thousands of […]