Ageism in the Workplace: How Are We Treating Our Older Adults?

Link to article in Faribault Daily News By CEO Deb Taylor In a culture that is rapidly trending towards a social awareness surrounding issues of inequality, discrimination in regards to age can go unnoticed and, subsequently, untreated. Ageism is discrimination based on prejudices about age. When ageism is directed at older people, it often involves […]

Americas Appalling Reality: We don’t care about our older adults

Link to article in Sun Sailor By CEO, Deb Taylor On February 16th, 2018, MinnPost writer Susan Perry wrote a very compelling article entitled “Americas appalling reality: we don’t care about our children.” As the CEO of Senior Community Services, a nonprofit exclusively serving older adults, I’d like to suggest another appalling reality, we don’t […]

The Healthy Caregiver

Link to article in Sun Sailor By CEO, Deb Taylor Are you a caregiver? Many people are in this role, but have never identified with the title, “Caregiver.” Often we think of caregivers as professionals such as doctors, nurses, social workers or home health care workers who provide direct care to the young, sick, disabled […]