A legacy gift, also known as a planned gift or deferred gift, is a donation made by an individual as part of their will and estate planning.
Legacy giving allow donors to leave a lasting impact on causes they care about by making charitable donations through their estate planning, ensuring that their values and beliefs continue to be supported even after they are gone.
A Legacy Gift to Senior Community Services is an opportunity for you to transform the future — to ensure that we can keep independent living for older adults and support for caregivers at the forefront of community planning and make history, creating a better world for us all to grow older in.
The most common ways to make a legacy gift include:
To name Senior Community Services as a beneficiary in your will, you can use the following language with your estate-planning attorney:
To give a specific amount or percentage:
I give $______ or _____ % to Senior Community Services, EIN: 41-0720473, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the business address of 10201 Wayzata Blvd., # 335, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305, or its successors.
To leave the remainder:
After all other gifts, I give the remaining funds to Senior Community Services, EIN: 41-0720473, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the business address of 10201 Wayzata Blvd., # 335, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305, or its successors.
To give a gift of real estate:
Talk with us about naming Senior Community Services as a beneficiary of the sale of real estate or other assets.
Here are some elder law attorneys our organization has vetted and worked with:
Elizabeth Michaelis, Guardian Counsel Law Office
Website: guardiancounsel.com
Phone: 952-830-9913
David Fitch – Elder Law Services, PLLC
Website: elderlawminnesota.com
Phone: 763-213-0714
Steinhagen, Crist, Wehrly, & Kufus, P.L.L.P
Website: steinhagen-crist.com
Phone: 612-922-2260
Maser, Amundson, Boggio & Hendricks, P.A.
Website: maserlaw.com
Phone: 952-925-4147
Central Minnesota Legal Services– free nonprofit legal services for low-income individuals
Website: centralmnlegal.org
Phone: 612-332-8151
For questions, contact Collin Brehmer, Development Coordinator, at c.brehmer@seniorcommunity.org or 952-767-7889
Most charitable gifts qualify for maximum tax advantages under federal law. Consult your financial advisor for details. With any planned giving or estate planning decision making, we recommend that you consult with your tax and legal advisors.
Remember, you can always choose to make an outright gift – the simplest way to make a big difference! To donate now, click here. Contact us for specific instructions for any non-cash gifts.