Family and friends may not view themselves as caregivers, especially if they have taken on the role as a loved one’s needs have slowly changed. But caregiving can include transportation, assisting with medical appointments, managing finances, taking care of household chores, and more.
We hear caregivers say this all the time. We know that while caring for your loved one is important, it also poses challenges. That’s why our team of caring Licensed Social Workers is here to provide the support you need.
These services are partially funded by Hennepin County, Title III (Older Americans Act) grants from Trellis and Central Minnesota Council on Aging, and a Live Well at Home Grant from the MN Department of Human Services.
Caregivers who live in, or who care for an older adult or someone with a cognitive diagnosis who lives in our service area, are eligible for caregiver support services.
We serve Carver, Hennepin, Scott, Sherburne, and Wright Counties in Minnesota.
Our dedicated team of licensed Social Workers has decades of combined experience between them and provide an individualized approach to caregivers’ needs. Meet our team.
Though some services are subject to a fee, no one is denied service because of inability to pay.
These services are supported, in part, by Hennepin County, municipalities, Title III grants from Trellis & CMCOA, and a Live Well at Home Grant from the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Additional funding is provided by individual donors and client cost-share. Some services may also be covered by Elderly Waiver/MSHO.
We welcome individual donations from generous donors like you to help support caregiver services.
Use the online form below to provide some basic information. One of our Social Workers will contact you to learn more about how we can help.
You can also leave a message at 612-770-7005 and a Social Worker will return your call.
Our award-winning Caregiver Coaching and Counseling Service is covered by the Elderly Waiver (S5115 TF) program.
If you’d like to make a referral, use the online form below. Or, leave a message at 612-770-7005 and a Social Worker will return your call.
Downloadable Resources:
Caregiver Support Flyer
EW/MSHO Caregiver Services Flyer