Elder Abuse Awareness is Our Responsibility

By CEO Deb Taylor June 15th marked World Elder Abuse Awareness Day as designated by the United Nations. And while this is a day to be especially mindful of the reality of this abuse, millions of older adults are forced to endure it daily. Because acts like the physical or

Age as Identity

By CEO Deb Taylor Link to article in MinnPost Of all the various cultural categories we put ourselves into like race, class and gender, our age is unique in that it is in a constant state of change, yet seems to be deeply intertwined with our sense of self. We

Senior Housing: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Link to article in St. Cloud Times As the Boomer generation comes into retirement, the aging population is growing at an unprecedented rate. In fact, by 2030 1 in 4 Minnesotans will be over the age of 65. We already know that 90% of these folks want to stay in

Shedding the Weight of Age 

Link to article in Lakeshore Weekly News by CEO Deb Taylor Life brings different rhythms — different timetables — for each of us. We lose dear loved ones, we grieve, we face changes — diminished mobility, an end to driving the car, maybe a different place to live after decades

It’s Time to Invest in Your Future Self

Link to article in MinnPost By CEO Deb Taylor How do you want to live your life into its second half? In your 60s and 70s? Your 80s and beyond? One of the only experiences that every single one of us has in common is that we all age. You’re

Doing Good with Your 2019 Resolutions

By CEO Deb Taylor 2019’s ball has dropped and many people have begun their complicated relationships with their resolutions. With most New Year’s resolutions, we tend to focus on the self and the ways we can positively affect change in our own lives. The most common resolutions are “I want