Detecting the Signs of Alzheimers Disease Early

Detecting the signs of Alzheimer's disease early
By: Krystal Wiebusch, LSW

The older we get, the greater chance we have of being diagnosed with Alzheimers disease or a related dementia. The Alzheimers Association of MN/North Dakota is working to promote early detection and possible treatments for this disease.

Dementia is the “umbrella” term often used, and there are several types of dementia. Alzheimers is the most common.  Other forms of dementia can come from AIDS, Parkinsons, or strokes (vascular dementia).

Short term memory loss is the most commonly recognized symptom, but there are other brain changes that can occur as well. Personality changes, impaired reasoning, poor judgment, and/or problems with speech and language have also been seen. Long term memory loss can occur with more advanced dementia or Alzheimers.

If you or your loved ones notice brain changes, get in to see a neurologist.  Obtaining a diagnosis sooner can help with treatment and life planning. Sometimes medications can help slow the progression, and there are new medications being discovered.

If you are caring for someone with symptoms of Alzheimers, feel free to call me.  I know it can be challenging.  I work with caregivers of people with dementia or Alzheimers every day.
